Thursday, July 03, 2008

Strawberry Belgian Waffles

Believe it or not I had never had anything but syrup on waffles until a few months ago. So if for some reason you are strange like me and have never tasted these before, please go put strawberries and cream on top of some waffles right now. You will feel like you are eating strawberry shortcake for breakfast.

How does your family do waffles or pancakes? I love this waffle recipe, and I also love the Krusteaz pancake mix (with more water added than what the recipe calls for). What brands do you like and/or which recipes does your family like? I know about Amy's whole wheat pancakes, and I think my inlaws have a whole wheat pancake recipe that I need to track down. It will take some time, but I think I'll give some different recipes a try. Sounds like an easy way to get more whole wheat into my family.


  1. Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream is our families Christmas morning breakfast tradition. YUMMY! I love it. We are going camping and I am going to do it for our pancakes.
    Oh and Better Homes and Gardens red and white checked cook book has the best buttermilk waffle recipe. You should try it, if you want it let me know and I will e-mail you.

  2. My husband has always added peanut butter to his waffles. I've never tried it, but the kids seem to like it too.

  3. I've added mashed bananas & mini choc chips to the batter. Tastes like you're eating cookies! I'm afraid that I "eyeball" it according to how big of a batch I'm making. I usually try to make some to freeze for my daughter.

  4. This is my favorite! My mouth is watering!

  5. This looks 100 times better than my Ego Waffles with strawberry and whip cream. I am going to have to break down and make the real thing. Then my kids won't be shocked when they learn the "truth about waffles" at college.

  6. I usually use the Krusteaz mix (I've made homemade but for convenience this work the best) and then I always make tons more and put them in a ziplock bag to store in the fridge and we pop them in the microwave several mornings after--fast and easy.

  7. I need to get in the habit of making extra too Angie. That's a great idea.

    Doreen, I can't lie I haven't made these for years because those Eggos at Costco are so cheap and my kids don't care whether they are homemade or not as long I can have the next waffle ready before they finish the first one on their plate.

  8. I love waffles. They are a special breakfast treat. I prefer whole wheat with berries on top instead of syrup! YUM! Good to find your blog!

  9. Thanks for stopping by Maria!

    amyr, I also know someone who eats peanut butter and jelly religiously on all pancakes and waffles.
