Monday, February 02, 2009

Excuses, Excuses

I've been taking a lot of flack here for my lack of posts. "You haven't posted since December 12th!" I'm glad to know you miss me!

To be honest, I never planned to blog much during the holidays. The priority was to spend time and make memories with family. The unfortunate part is at the beginning of January my computer started to smell like fire and kicked the bucket. With all of my pictures on it.

Don't worry your pretty little head, now, I had the hard drive backed up. I just can't get to it. So I am waiting, patiently.

I think I'll have some new posts coming up within the week.


  1. I sure hope so.

  2. Sorry about your computer! I'll be waiting for your next recipe ( :

  3. I am so glad that you are alive and okay! Come back soon!

  4. Looking forward to it!! :)

  5. Welcome back! Your archives are great so I can't wait for new recipes!

  6. I miss you! I want you to know that I am still faithfully checking your site! I just know there is something you are cooking up and it's going to be good! :)

  7. Hi, this is Lynette Lofgren Peterson. I couldn't find your e-mail so I hope this gets to you ok. I would love to get back in touch it has been a long time. e-mail me.

  8. Hi, It's Lynette Lofgren Peterson. I would love to get in touch with you again. e-mail me.

  9. Hi Lynette! I couldn't find your email either, so I added my contact info in my side bar. Waiting to hear from you!
