Friday, July 25, 2008

Fruit Ice Cream Compote

This ice cream is another wowzer from Aunt Kaye. It has a very light flavor and really hits the spot on a hot summer evening.

1 gallon vanilla ice cream, softened
1/2 gallon pineapple ice cream, softened
1 package frozen blueberries
2 packages frozen raspberries
4 sliced bananas

Stir softened ice cream together in a large bowl. Gently fold in berries. Ice cream will turn a light pink color. Fold in bananas. Pour into air tight container and return to freezer to firm the ice cream a little.

Serves 16-18 good size portions.


  1. Looks delicious. I have an aunt Kaye too!

  2. Did the bananas turn hard and brown? I just can't imagine bananas in ice cream but everything else sounds wonderful. I wonder if I should do that for Nick's birthday.

  3. The bananas don't turn brown. Kaye says she likes it a little better when it's made fresh and has been in the freezer for just a short time (like in the picture) instead of making it beforehand and having it so hard and solid.

  4. You are AWESOME!!! That sounds yummy!

  5. MMMMM! That sounds so good!!!!

  6. That looks so good right now! I think I'll have to make it tonight for a little treat! By the way, this is Becky. I thought I would join the neighborhood trend and start a food blog too. It's so fun to swap recipes!
