Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Basic Salmon

Leave a comment on how you like to prepare your salmon.

Salmon filets
Lemon pepper
Seasoning salt

Prepare a cookie sheet with a piece of foil large enough to fold loosely around filets.

Lightly sprinkle both sides of the salmon with lemon pepper and seasoning salt. Put a small amount of butter on top of the salmon, about 2 tablespoons (depending on how much fish you have).

Bring the edges of the foil together, fold and tightly seal first the top and then the sides. Bake on cookie sheet at 350 for about 20 minutes. Cooking time will depend on the amount and thickness of your filets. For me they are usually done shortly after it starts to smell good.

Spoon additional juices over salmon filets just before serving. We like to eat it with mashed potatoes and gravy made with cream of chicken soup and milk mixed in until it is the right consistency. The gravy is good with the salmon too.


  1. Put salmon on enough foil to wrap around the fillet. Pour Italian salad dressing on (to taste) & fold foil into a packet. Put salmon on med grill until done. This depends on size of fillet. Very tender & delicious! You don't need a ton of dressing but don't skimp either. For a larger size fillet it takes maybe 15 minutes to cook. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi, Whitney! It's Kacey's sister, Sarah! Great blog!

    I love fresh salmon and have tried a lot of different things on it.

    We like to make packets and use our grill (no dishes)!!

    I like to make a sauce with mayo, dill and lemon juice and spread it over the fish before cooking. It's also yummy to dip it in when it's done. You can skip the mayo and just do some sliced lemons and dill with a little coarse pepper. Cajun seasoning is great on salmon, too. Just experiment & have fun! You really can't do much to mess up stuff in foil packets!

    Thanks for the chicken casserole idea! It looks awesome!

  3. Mix oil, garlic, brown sugar, green onions, oyster sauce and water. Heat it in a skillet and then add salmon. Cook about 15 minutes. Remove salmon when done and then add cornstarch and more water if needed until thick. Serve over rice. Oh, it's good. I know some may be turned off by the oyster sauce but really it's good. It's our favorite way to cook salmon over our way. Love your blog Whitney!

  4. I put olive oil on the salmon, then make a mixure of brown sugar, curry powder, and salt (the ratio is 4 parts sugar to 1 part salt and 1 part curry powder), and then rub the mixture on the salmon and broil for about 10 minutes or until the salmon is flaky.

  5. These all sound great! I'm going to have to try them out.

    Hi Sarah! Good to hear from you. It's been awhile, hasn't it?
