Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lite Lion House Rolls

I had these at a friend's house and can't get enough of them. This recipe is from the Lion House Recipes Lite cookbook.

1 Tbl. yeast
2 c. warm water
1/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. salt
1/4 c. light margarine
2/3 c. instant nonfat dry milk
5-6 c. flour
2 egg whites
1 Tbl. olive oil

Use electric mixer. Combine yeast and water, let stand 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt, margarine, dry milk, 2 c. flour, and egg whites. Beat together until smooth after each addition. Add about 1 more cup flour, 1/2 c. at a time (in your mixer if it will take it, or by hand), until it is well mixed in. Turn dough onto a lightly floured board and kned until it is smooth and satiny, about 10 minutes.

Gather dough into a ball. Scrape bowl clean and spra it with nonstick cooking spray. Return dough to bowl. Let dough rise in a warm (not hot) place away from drafts until about triple in bulk. (In a cool oven with a pan of hot water on a rack under it is a good place.)

Use the last of the flour as needed on the board for rolling and shaping the dough. (Don't use it all unless you need it.) Turn dough out onto floured board and let rest for 10 minutes so it will be easier to manage as you roll it. Roll or cut into desired shapes. Place on baking sheets sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Brush surface of rolls with olive oil. Let rise in warm place until double in size (about 1 1/2 hours).

Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until browned.

Make 3 dozen rolls.

And here's the best part:
Per roll:
101 calories
1 g fat
151 sodium

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